Catch up on our webinar on Building Dynamic Business Models for Arts Organisations, produced in partnership with Arts Council England on Tuesday 8th June.
The past year has been incredibly challenging for all organisations but particularly arts organisations, with many venues closing and jobs lost or at risk. A key question for now is 'how do we stay sustainable and ensure we’ve got the ability to respond quickly to ongoing challenges?' This webinar focuses on how to achieve the right 'dynamic' business model for your arts organisation.
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The webinar addresses a number of key questions, including:
What does ACE mean by ‘dynamic’ business models?
What business model options are there and what are their strengths/weaknesses?
Where have these been successfully implemented and what lessons were learned?
How can you decide which model is right for you?
Speakers include: Francis Runacres, Executive Director of Enterprise & Innovation at Arts Council England (ACE) and Andrew Laird, Managing Director of Mutual Ventures and business model expert. They share live case studies of what successful arts organisations have achieved in these challenging times, providing you with lots of real-world insights and guidance.
This webinar is focused on arts organisations but the content will be applicable to other sectors facing similar challenges.
For more information on the topics raised in the webinar or learn how we can help you, contact