We held a webinar on Tuesday 21st September on ‘Building Bridges Between Central And Local Government’.
Delivery of government programmes relies on the skills, knowledge, and cooperation of different levels of government. To be successful, they need effective facilitation, mediation, and translation - to create trusting and productive relationships between partners. This is what we term ‘bridge-building’.
Watch here
Download the report that accompanies this webinar here.
About the webinar
Mutual Ventures' Managing Director, Andrew Laird, is joined by Hannah Meyer, Executive Director for Reducing Reoffending at the Ministry of Justice and Adam Lent, Chief Executive of New Local.
The discussion explores:
What do we mean by ‘bridge-building’?
What are the key differences between central and local government that require bridge-building?
What can we learn about bridge-building from Mutual Venture’s experience of programmes working with central and local government?
What skills are required in a bridge-builder and what should you look for when designing a programme?