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Case Study: Commercial strategy for the Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Client: The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Date: May 2022 - August 2022

Challenges faced by the client: The Christie NHS Foundation Trust were facing some key challenges as a result of changes to the system they operated in and required support to develop a future investment strategy. These challenges included an environment that had highly constrained capital budgets (CDEL) impacting its ability to discharge ambitious capital plans. Another challenge was that, as a specialist trust, a quarter of the Christie’s activity came from outside of Greater Manchester (GM) and therefore the Trust did not fit naturally within the GM Integrated Care System footprint.

Support offered: Mutual Ventures were engaged in partnership with Bevan Brittan to consider the “art of the possible” for several discrete areas of Trust business. The overarching goal was to identify strategic finance and business opportunities that best supported and ‘future proofed’ the Christie in its mission to provide the best possible care and outcomes for cancer patients.

In order to determine viable opportunities for the Trust to pursue, the Project Team carried out a thorough assessment of the current NHS financial, legal and regulatory landscape as well as drawing on their own experience and those of their wider teams. This was coupled with four Deep Dive workshops with senior staff to carry out a high-level assessment of opportunities in eight areas of the Trust including the Christie Charity, research and innovation, international opportunities and private patient care expansion.

Outcome: From the work undertaken, the project team identified significant opportunities to support the ambitions of the Trust and ensure it was fit for the future. These included maximising the potential of the Christie Charity and the opportunities that its independence created, establishing a subsidiary for research and innovation, and pursuing Higher Education status. Other opportunities identified included strengthening the educational offering, refreshing the education strategy and a potential joint venture.

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