What the data is telling us about the role of agency workers in children’s social care and what it means for local authorities and the regions
Introducing the Workforce Wellbeing Toolkit
‘What gets measured gets managed’ - does this hold true in local family justice systems?
‘This is not the end’ – Assessments and Support in Pre-Proceedings
Entering pre-proceedings – Can we still make meaningful changes once the threshold has been met?
Approaching the threshold for proceedings - can we avoid getting there?
Catch up on our webinar: Strengthening Court Work: Regional Workforce Development across the Family Justice System
Family Drug and Alcohol Courts (FDACs): The Case for Investment
Working together for change – the value of lived experience and co-production
Introducing MV’s Good Practice Guide – Innovative Solutions Improving Family Court Processes across England
Catch up on our webinar: Supporting Families and Children to Navigate Care Proceedings: Learning from Experts by Experience
Case study: Understanding the financial impact of care proceedings on children's social care
Catch up on our learning event: Fostering a one-system mindset and culture
More trust in social workers will make the family justice system better
Catch up on our learning event: Developing a stable and experienced workforce
Catch up on our learning event: Utilising Data to Tackle Care Proceedings Delays
Catch up on our learning event: Effective pre-proceedings
Case Study: Impact of delays in care proceedings on Children's Social Care