Local authorities must work with communities to lead the COVID-19 recovery
An effective COVID-19 recovery plan requires co-operation
Planning your COVID-19 recovery strategy
Recovering together with communities: ideas to help local authorities plan the COVID-19 recovery
NHS Providers highlights MV’s support during COVID-19
COVID-19 – Community ownership should play a key role in local recovery
Local authorities can make mutual aid a positive legacy of COVID-19
After Covid-19, public services must be powered by people
Three truths about public services laid bare by Covid-19
Violence Reduction Units and Family Hubs – an opportunity for joint working
Innovation is only as good as the system in which it operates – reflections on the 2020 Intelligent
Time for towns to grab their own reins
In praise of local government
Becoming trauma-informed – a recommendation for the future of the Troubled Families Programme
Primary Care at scale isn’t just about size – it is about the ‘right’ size
Family Hubs – a manifesto promise that could be the future of public services
Crossing the divide between children and adult services – the principles of a good transition
Primary Care Networks pose new questions for General Practice, but the GP partnership model faces bi
Integrated care needs incentives that matter to clinicians as well as accountants
Using data to improve your adult social care services