Building back better involves trusting local people – reflections on the CCIN conference
“Building back better”: easy to say, harder to achieve
MV CCIN Fringe event: A co-operative strategy to underpin your recovery from COVID-19
Join our next webinar – Strategic priorities in and beyond the crisis: how to build back bette
Public Services must put strengths-based approaches at the centre if they are going to recover from
Community services have the chance to show the rest of the NHS what integration really means
Catch up on our webinar: Family Group Conferences
Catch up on our webinar: Increased Collaboration and Alignment across Community Services
The Kruger report on Levelling Up: a step towards consensus between government and civil society
A welcome kick start for the “levelling up” agenda
Local government reorganisation must heed the lessons of COVID-19 on the importance of place
Catch up on our webinar: Co-operative Approaches to COVID-19 Recovery
Catch up on our webinar: Harnessing the power of data to transform children’s social care
In defence of algorithms and their value to public services
Free webinar: Co-operative Approaches to COVID-19 Recovery, Weds 16th September 11am-12noon
Free webinars: Harnessing the power of data to transform children’s and adults social care, Tu
Xantura and Mutual Ventures partner to help deliver data-led innovation in Children’s Services
Catch up on our Family Hubs webinar!
Free Family Hubs webinar: Weds 22nd July 10-11.30am
A national adult care model must be about the mutual bond between local people and places