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Value-based AI strategy

We help councils develop a comprehensive, values-driven approach to AI, which involves addressing issues of ethics, risk, and governance in a holistic and sustainable manner.


We have developed an AI-Powered Council Maturity Framework, which is designed to help local authorities understand where they are on the transformative journey to leveraging AI to streamline their operations and to better serve their local communities.


It focuses on the key potential use cases of AI in the local government sector and enabling factors to fully harness its potential.


AI maturity framework

Analysing the main use cases for AI and the key enabling factors

Gap analysis

Assessment of strengths and weaknesses within key areas of AI preparedness

Action plan

Developing immediate actions needed to close the gaps, nullify risks and seize opportunities

AI strategy

Focus on vision, value-realisation, risk management and adoption plans

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To find out more about how we could help you get in touch with MV Managing Director Andrew Laird.


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